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  • The UP Group and its Walking Desk ActivUP on France 5 "Le Mag Santé

September 16, 2022

The UP Group and its Walking Desk ActivUP on France 5 "Le Mag Santé

Cherifa Messaoudi uses the Walking Desk ActivUP almost every day 

It has become routine for Cherifa Messaoudi to use the shared Walking Desk made available to the UP Group teams. The report of France 5's "Mag'santé" presents this innovative concept which helps to break the sedentary lifestyle of employees. Sitting for hours on end has serious consequences on their health and well-being. 

Find the excerpt of the report below ???? : 

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After 2 years of walking every day on a Walking Desk, I founded ActivUP in 2015. Since then, I've been walking 3-4 hours a day, every day. I've lost 50 pounds, and I've never felt better.

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